We are concerned individuals, former officials, business leaders, representatives of civil society and of government, dedicated to promoting human rights, human health, and international peace and security. We call for the creation of an International Anti-Corruption Court because:

We know that Grand Corruption – the abuse of public office for private gain by a nation’s leaders (“kleptocrats”) – thrives in many countries and has devastating consequences. Kleptocrats corruptly enrich themselves from the trillions of dollars being spent to promote global public health and counter climate change. Kleptocrats are robbing their countries of funds needed to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Grand Corruption undermines democracy as kleptocrats use their power to suppress the media and civil society, and subvert honest elections. Refugees fleeing failed states led by kleptocrats constitute international crises. Uprisings in opposition to Grand Corruption destabilize many countries and endanger international peace and security.

We know that Grand Corruption is not flourishing because of a lack of laws. The 191 parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (“UNCAC”) each have laws criminalizing corrupt conduct. Yet kleptocrats enjoy impunity because they control the administration of justice in the countries that they rule.

Because Grand Corruption has global consequences and often cannot be combated by the countries most immediately victimized by kleptocrats, a new international institution – an International Anti-Corruption Court – is necessary and justified. Through its agreed mandate, the IACC should have jurisdiction to prosecute violations of existing domestic anti-corruption laws, or a new international counterpart to them, by kleptocrats and their collaborators, if the country the kleptocrat rules is unwilling or unable to prosecute a case itself. The IACC should have the authority to prosecute crimes committed by nationals of Member States, and by nationals of other states who commit crimes in the territory of a Member State. The IACC should be a court of last resort with the capacity to prosecute and imprison kleptocrats, and thus create opportunities for the democratic process to replace them with honest leaders. The IACC should have, in civil as well as criminal cases, the authority to recover, repatriate, and repurpose illicit assets for the victims of Grand Corruption.

As an International Anti-Corruption Court is urgently needed to promote democracy and human rights, protect human life and health, and enhance international peace and security, we hereby declare our support for the creation of the Court and call on others to join us in this crucial common cause.

Current and Former Heads of State and Government

Rexhep Meidani
Former President of Albania and Member of the Club de Madrid
Mauricio Macri
Former President of Argentina and Member of the Club de Madrid
Alfred Gusenbauer
Former Chancellor of Austria and Member of the Club de Madrid
Zlatko Lagumdzija
Former Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Member of the Club de Madrid
Haris Silajdžić
Former Prime Minister and former Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yves Leterme
Former Prime Minister of Belgium and Member of the Club de Madrid
Rosen Plevneliev
Former President of Bulgaria
Jorge Fernando Quiroga
Former President of Bolivia and Member of the Club de Madrid
Jigmi Yoser Thinley
Former “Lyonchhen” Prime Minister of Bhutan and Member of the Club de Madrid
Kim Campbell
Former Prime Minister of Canada and Member of the Club de Madrid
Adrienne Clarkson
Former Governor General of Canada, Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, and Colonel-in-Chief of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
Joe Clark
Former Prime Minister of Canada, former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Canada, and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation.
Doris Leuthard
Former President of the Swiss Confederation and Member of the Club de Madrid
Ricardo Lagos
Former President of Chile and Member of the Club de Madrid
Juan Manuel Santos
Former President of Colombia and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Laura Chinchilla
Former President of Costa Rica and Vice-President of the Club de Madrid
Carlos Alvarado
Former President of Costa Rica and Member of the Club de Madrid
Osvaldo Hurtado Larrea
Tarja Halonen
Former President of Finland and Member of the Club de Madrid
Gordon Brown
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Member of the Club de Madrid
Kabiné Komara
Former Prime Minister of Guinea
Constantine Simitis
Former Prime Minister of Greece
Ivo Josipović
Former President of Croatia and Member of the Club de Madrid
John Bruton
Former Prime Minister of Ireland, European Union Ambassador to the United States, Member of the Global Leadership Foundation, and Member of the Club de Madrid
Barham Salih
Former President of Iraq
Percival Noel James Patterson
Former President of Jamaica and Member of the Club de Madrid
Seung-Soo Han
Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea and Vice-President of the Club de Madrid
Dalia Grybauskaitė
Former President of Lithuania and Member of the Club de Madrid
Moussa Mara
Former Prime Minister of Mali and Member of the Club de Madrid
Elbegdorj Tsakhia
Former Prime Minister of Mongolia and Member of the Club de Madrid
Lawrence Gonzi
Former Prime Minister of Malta and Member of the Global Leadership
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca
Former President of Malta
Cassam Uteem
Former President of Mauritius, Member of the Club de Madrid, and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation
Vicente Fox
Former President of Mexico, Member of the Club de Madrid, and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation
Jan Peter Balkenende
Former Prime Minister of The Netherlands and Member of the Club de Madrid
Kjell Magne Bondevik
Former Prime Minister of Norway and Member of the Club de Madrid
James Bolger
Former Prime Minister of New Zealand
Roberto Dañino
Former Prime Minister of Peru and former Senior Vice President and General Counsel of The World
Francisco Sagasti
Former President of Peru and Member of the Club de Madrid
Aleksander Kwaśniewski
Former President of Poland and Member of the Club de Madrid
Hanna Suchocka
Former Prime Minister of Poland and Member of the Club de Madrid
Aníbal Cavaco Silva
Former Prime Minister and former President of Portugal and Member of the Club de Madrid
Petre Roman
Former Prime Minister of Romania and Member of the Club de Madrid
James Michel
Former President of Seychelles and Member of the Club de Madrid
Carl Bildt
Former Prime Minister of Sweden, Member of the Club de Madrid, and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation
Danilo Türk
Former President of Slovenia and President of the Club de Madrid
Iveta Radičová
Former Prime Minister of Slovakia and Member of the Club de Madrid
Aminata Touré
Former Prime Minister of Senegal and Member of the Club de Madrid
Anand Panyarachun
Former Prime Minister of Thailand and Member of the Club de Madrid
Jose Ramos-Horta
President of Timor-Leste, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Member of the Club de Madrid, and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation
Mehdi Jomaa
Former Prime Minister of Tunisia and Member of the Club de Madrid
Moncef Marzouki
Former President of Tunisia
Ahmet Davutoğlu
Former Prime Minister of Turkey and Leader of the Future Party

Nobel Laureates

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and recipient of the Pacem in Terris Award
Elfriede Jelinek
Nobel Prize in Literature and recipient of the Georg Büchner Prize
Peter C. Doherty
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and Companion of the Order of Australia
Herta Müller
Nobel Prize in Literature and recipient of the Franz Werfel Human Rights Award
Richard J. Roberts
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Mairead Corrigan-Maguire
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and recipient of the Pacem in Terris Award
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Aaron Ciechanover
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Arieh Warshel
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Kailash Satyarthi
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and recipient of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award
Shirin Ebadi
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Iran’s First Female Judge
Leymah Roberta Gbowee
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Gerardus 't Hooft
Nobel Prize in Physics
Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Apostolic Administrator Emeritus of Díli
Yuan T. Lee
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Harvey J. Alter
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Barry Clark Barish
Nobel Prize in Physics
Sheldon Glashow
Nobel Prize in Physics
Carol W. Greider
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Dudley R. Herschbach
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Eric R. Kandel
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and recipient of the U.S. National Medal of Science
Roger D. Kornberg
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
John C. Mather
Nobel Prize in Physics
Paul R. Milgrom
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
Paul L. Modrich
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Gregg L. Semenza
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Vernon L. Smith
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
Jody Williams
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and founding Coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Tawakkol Karman
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Current and Former Government and Intergovernmental Organization Officials and Leaders of Civil Society, Academia, Business, and Faith Communities

Naheed Esar
Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Afghanistan
Mohammad Farid Hamidi
Former Attorney General of Afghanistan
Helena Malikyar
Former Afghan Ambassador to Italy and former Commissioner of the Independent Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of Afghanistan
Javed Noorani
Former Commissioner of the Independent Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of Afghanistan
Sima Samar
Former Vice President of Afghanistan, former Minister of Women's Affairs, and former Chair of the Afghanistan Human Rights Commission
Zef Preci
Executive Director of the Albanian Center for Economic Research (ACER)
Florindo Chivucute
Executive Director of Friends of Angola
Fernando A. Iglesias
Member of Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine National Congress, Director of the Campaign for the Corte Penal Latinoamericana (COPLA), and President of the World Federalist Movement
Susana Malcorra
Dean of the School of Global & Public Affairs at Instituto de Empresa University and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina
Carlos Silvani
Former Director of the Federal Administration of Public Revenues of Argentina and former International Monetary Fund official
Emil Bolongaita
Head of Carnegie Mellon University – Australia, former Unit Head of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Gareth Evans
President Emeritus of the International Crisis Group, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia, and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation
Paul Maddison
Vice Admiral (Retired), Royal Canadian Navy, Director of the Defence Research Institute at the University of New South Wales, former Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy, and former Canadian High Commissioner to Australia
Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, founder of the Grameen Bank, and recipient of the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom
ANM Muniruzzaman
Major General (Retired), President of the Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), and Chairman of the Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC)
Manzoor Hasan
Executive Director of the Centre for Peace and Justice at Brac University, former Founding Executive Director of Transparency International Bangladesh and former Chair of UNCAC Coalition
Iftekhar Zaman
Executive Director of Transparency International Bangladesh and former Executive Director of Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Colombo
Stefaan De Clerck
Former Minister of Justice of Belgium
Jaime Aparicio-Otero
Former Bolivian Ambassador to the Organization of American States and former Bolivian Ambassador to the United States
José Justiniano
Former Governor of the Central Bank
Karen Longaric
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Álvaro Moscoso Blanco
Former Bolivian Ambassador to the European Communities and President of CIDRE IFD in Bolivia
Sergio Fernando Moro
Former Minister of Justice and Public Security
Melissa Garcia Blagitz de Abreu e Silva
Federal Prosecutor, São Paulo, São Paulo State
Modesto Souza Barros Carvalhosa
Member of the Board of Trustees of Universidade Federal de São Carlos and of Fundação Padre Anchieta, the Board of Directors of Companhia Melhoramentos de São Paulo, and the São Paulo Stock Exchange Arbitration Panel
Ligia Maura Costa
Professor of Law and Director of FGVethics at Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo
Marcelo Costenaro Cavali
Former Federal Judge and Brazilian Senate’s Legislative Consultant on Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, and Public Security
Thaméa Danelon
Federal Appeals Prosecutor, São Paulo, São Paulo State
Fausto Martin De Sanctis
Federal Appeals Judge of the Federal Court of Appeals for the Third Region, São Paulo
Marcelo Dolzany da Costa
Federal Appeals Judge of the Federal Court of Appeals for the Sixth Region, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State and former UN Judge, Special Panels for Serious Crimes in East Timor
Robinson Fernandes
Police Commissioner, State of São Paulo; FATF Delegate and Assessor; and President of AML, Anti-Corruption and Compliance Commission at CONACATE
Douglas Fisher
Federal Prosecutor, Federal Court of Appeals for the Fourth Region, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State
Marcello Ferreira de Souza Granado
Federal Appeals Judge of the Federal Court of Appeals for the Second Region, Rio de Janeiro
Roberto Livianu
State Prosecutor, São Paulo, São Paulo State and Chair of Instituto Não Aceito Corrupção (INAC)
Andrey Borges de Mendonça
Federal Prosecutor, São Paulo, São Paulo State
Oagile Key Dingake
Justice of the National and Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea and the Residual Special Court of Sierra Leone; former Justice of Appeal, Seychelles Court of Appeal; former Judge of the High Court and Industrial Court of Botswana; Adjunct Professor of Law, San Beda University, Philippines, James Cook University and University of New England, Australia
Tymon Motlhasedi Katlholo
Former Director-General of the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crimes of Botswana
Payam Akhavan
Senior Fellow at the Massey College, Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, and Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
John R. Anderson
Admiral (Retired), Royal Canadian Navy, former Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada and former Permanent Representative in the rank of Ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Lloyd Axworthy
Chair of the World Refugee and Migration Council and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada
Alfred Balm
Philanthropist and Chairman of Emergo International
Maurice Baril
General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces, former military advisor to the Secretary General of the United Nations, and former Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada
David J. Bercuson
Professor of History and Director of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary
Alexandra Bugailiskis
Former Canadian Ambassador to the Republic of Italy, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Cuba and the Syrian Arab Republic
Marc Caron
Lieutenant-General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces and former Commander of the Canadian Army
Garry W.G. Clement
RCMP Superintendent (Retired), Chief of Police (Retired), President and CEO Clement Advisory Group, EVP Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists, and Chief Compliance Officer at Versa Bank
Scott Clements
Lieutenant-General (Retired), Royal Canadian Air Force, former Commander of Canada's Air Force, and former CEO of both Edmonton and Fort McMurray Airport Authorities
Nicholas Coghlan
Former Canadian Ambassador to the Republic of South Sudan
David B. Collins
Former Canadian Ambassador to Romania and former Canadian High Commissioner to Pakistan,
Mary Collins
Former Minister of Health and former Minister Responsible for the Status of Women of Canada
Ray Crabbe
Lieutenant-General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces
Roy Cullen
Former Member of Parliament and former Director of the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption
Ujjal Dosanjh
Former Minister of Health of Canada and former Premier of British Columbia
Jacques Duchesneau
Inspector General of the City of Saint-Jérôme, former Member of the Quebec National Assembly, former President and CEO of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, and former Chief of Police of Montréal
Richard B. Fadden
Former National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada
Murray Farmer
Chancellor Emeritus of the University of Victoria and former President of Farmer Construction
Peter German
Deputy Commissioner (Retired) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Chair of the Vancouver Anti-Corruption Institute
William Graham (recently deceased)
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Minister of National Defence of Canada
Fred J. Green
Former CEO of CP Rail
Maja Groff
Convenor of the Climate Governance Commission, Visiting Scholar/Professor at Leiden University and a former official of the Hague Conference on Private International Law
Fen Osler Hampson
President of the World Refugee and Migration Council and the Chancellor’s Professor at Carleton University
Raymond Henault
General (Retired), Royal Canadian Air Force, former Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada, and former Chair of the NATO Military Committee
Thomas Homer-Dixon
Executive Director of the Cascade Institute at Royal Roads University
Michael Ignatieff
President and Rector of Central European University in Austria and former Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
Joseph Ingram
Chairman of Greentech Labs, Fellow of The Canadian Global Affairs Institute, former President and CEO of The North-South Institute, and former World Bank Special Representative to the United Nations and the World Trade Organization
Michael Jeffery
Lieutenant-General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces, former Commander of the Canadian Army and former Commander of the Canadian Contingent to the UN Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) Namibia
Jeremy Kinsman
Former Canadian Ambassador to Russia, Italy, and the European Union and former Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
Marcus Kolga
Senior Fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute and CDA Institute
Thomas Lawson
General (Retired), Royal Canadian Air Force, and former Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada
Marc Lortie
Former Canadian Ambassador to France, Monaco, Spain, Andorra, Chile and Paraguay
Peter MacKay
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Minister of National Defence, and former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Beverley McLachlin
Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
Anne McLellan
Former Deputy Prime Minister and former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Jack Mintz
President's Fellow of the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary
Doug Mitchell
Former Commissioner of the Canadian Football League, past Chairman of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce and the Canadian Bar Association, and former Honourary Lt. Colonel of the King’s Own Calgary Regiment
Lois Mitchell
Former Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, past Chair of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce, and current Vice-Chair of the Global Business Forum
Gwyn Morgan
Retired Founding CEO of EnCana Corp and Director of five Global Corporations
Reza Moridi
Former Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities and former Minister of Research, Innovation and Science of Ontario
Philip Murray
Commissioner (Retired) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Walter Natynczyk
General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces, former Chief of the Defence Staff, former Deputy Minister of Veteran Affairs, and former President of the Canadian Space Agency
Scott Newark
Former Alberta Crown Prosecutor, former Executive Officer of the Canadian Police Association, former Special Counsel and Vice Chair of Ontario’s Office for Victims of Crime, and former Security Policy Advisor to both the Ontario and Canadian Ministers of Public Safety
Linda Nicholls
Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada
Christopher Pappas
Dean of the Diocese of New Westminster and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral Vancouver
Abdul Hai Patel
Imam, Founder and past Coordinator of Canadian Council of Imams, former Commissioner Ontario Human Rights Commission and Police Chaplain for the York Regional Police
David Pratt
Former Minister of National Defence of Canada
Steven Point
Former Lieutenant Governor of British Colombia, former Provincial Court Judge, and former Chief of the Skowkale First Nation
Bonnie Rawlins
Former Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Canada
Valerie Raymond
Former Canadian Ambassador to the Czech Republic and former Canadian High Commissioner to New Zealand and Sri Lanka
Allan Rock
President Emeritus and Professor of Law at the University of Ottawa, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations
Farid Rohani
Treasurer of Integrity Initiatives International, Advisory Board Member of the Global Reporting Centre, Businessman and Entrepreneur
Cameron Ross
Major-General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces, former UN Assistant Secretary General and Force Commander of the United Nations Mission on the Golan Heights (UNDOF) and former Chief of Staff, UN Mission in Angola (UNAVEM II)
Ben Rowswell
Former Canadian Ambassador to Venezuela
John Ralston Saul
Writer, President Emeritus of PEN International, and Co-Chair of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship
Kaveh Shahrooz
Lawyer and Senior Fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute
Murray Sinclair
Chancellor of Queen's University, former Senator, former Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench, and former Chief Commissioner of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Michael Small
Former Canadian Ambassador to Cuba and former Canadian High Commissioner to Australia
Marc Tassé
President of the Canadian Centre of Excellence for Anti-Corruption, Forensic Accountant, and PartTime Professor of Law and Management at the University of Ottawa
Guy Thibault
Lieutenant General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces, President of the Conference of Defence Associations, and former Vice Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada
Guy Tousignant
Major-General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces, former UN Assistant Secretary General and Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR II), and former Secretary General of CARE International
Kenneth Watkin
Brigadier-General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces, and former Judge Advocate General of the Canadian Forces
Paul Wynnyk
Lieutenant-General (Retired), Canadian Armed Forces, Deputy Minister of Health of Alberta, former Vice Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada, former Commander of the Canadian Army, and former Chief of Staff (Operations) of the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Cheickh Tidyane Bangoura
Former Legal Officer and Policy Coordinator / Advisor to the Prosecutor of the UN-ICTR and to the Prosecutor of the UN-MICT; former Acting Regional Director and Assistant Regional Director for UN Drug Control Program (UNODC) Regional office for West Africa; and former Assistant Regional Director for the UN Drug Control Program (UNODC) Regional office for East and Southeastern Africa
Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua
Judge and Second Vice-President of the International Criminal Court, former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Switzerland and Permanent. Representative to the United Nations Office and other International Organisations at Geneva
Andrea Ngombet
Founder of Sassoufit Collective
Arthur Lyon Dahl
President of International Environment Forum and former Deputy Assistant Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme
Juhani Grossmann
Anti-Corruption Expert
Jean-Pierre Méan
Attorney at Eigenmann Associés, former Chair of Transparency International Switzerland, and former Chief Compliance Officer at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Beatrice Fitch
Former Journalist
Mónica Martínez
Executive Director of Strategy 2 Succeed in Chile
Ricardo Raineri
Former Minister of Energy of Chile
Jean-Pelé Fomété
Deputy Registrar of the International Court of Justice, former Registrar of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal in Nairobi, Kenya, and former Programme Director in the Registry of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Camilo Alberto Enciso Vanegas
Director of the International Institute for Anticorruption Studies and former Secretary for Transparency of Colombia
María Alejandra Gálvez Alzate
Legal Advisor at the International Institute for Anticorruption Studies
Andreas Bummel
Co-Founder and Director at Democracy Without Borders
Wolfgang Ischinger
Former German Ambassador to the United States and to the United Kingdom and former Chair of the Munich Security Conference
Walter Link
Founding CEO of NOW Partners and the Regenerative Economy Forum
Angela Reitmaier
Transparency International Germany Board Member
Augusto Lopez-Claros
Executive Director of Global Governance Forum and former World Bank and International Monetary Fund official
Ángel Alonso Arroba
Vice Dean of the IE School of Global and Public Affairs and former Spanish Ambassador-at-large for Spanish Global Citizenry
Guillermo de la Dehesa
Honorary Chairman of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) London and former Secretary of State of Economy and Finance of Spain
Cristina Manzano
Director of esglobal and Columnist for El País
Jean-Marie Guéhenno
Former UN Undersecretary for Peacekeeping, former President and CEO of the International Crisis Group, and Professor at Columbia University
Sir Bill Browder
CEO of Hermitage Capital and Head of the Global Magnitsky Justice Campaign
Sir Jeffrey Jowell
KCMG KC, Founder and former Director of the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, and former Member of the Venice Commission
Edward Lucas
Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis and former Senior Editor at The Economist
Chris O’Connor
Former U.K. Ambassador to Tunisia
John Odling-Smee
Former Director of European II Department of the International Monetary Fund
Geoffrey Robertson
Founder and Head of Doughty Street Chambers in the United Kingdom
Lord George Robertson
Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, former Secretary General of NATO, former Defence Secretary of the United Kingdom, and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation.
Neda Salmanpour
Founder and CEO of the Global Peace and Prosperity Forum in London
Lord David Maxim Triesman
The Lord Triesman, former Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Lord David Alton
KCSG, KCMCO, Life Peer and former Member of the House of Commons
Bianca Jagger
Founder and Chair of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation
Baroness Helena Kennedy
KC, Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers and former Principal of Mansfield College, Oxford University
Baroness Lynda Chalker
PC, FRGS, former UK Minister of State for Overseas Development and Africa, former Minister of State for Europe, and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation
Peter Bismark
Executive Director of the Institute for Liberty and Policy Innovation (ILAPI)
Tutu Alicante
Executive Director of EG Justice
Claudia Escobar Mejía
Former Magistrate of the Court of Appeals of Guatemala and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Ana Alejandrina Pineda Hernández
Former Minister of Human Rights of Honduras
Sandra Ponce Aguilera
Diplomat and former Special Prosecutor for Human Rights of Honduras
Marzuki Darusman
Former Attorney General of Indonesia, former UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in North Korea, and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation
Natalia Soebagjo
Member of the International Council of Transparency International, former Board Member of Transparency International, and former Chair of Transparency International Indonesia
Laode M. Syarif
Former Commissioner of the Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia (KPK), Executive Director of KEMITRAAN, and Senior Lecturer at Hasanuddin University
Dadang Trisasongko
Chair of Indonesia Corruption Watch and former Secretary General of Transparency International Indonesia
Uzi Arad
Former National Security Adviser and Head of the National Security Council of Israel
Tzipi Livni
Former Vice Prime Minister, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Minister of Justice of Israel
Geeta Gandhi Kingdon
President of City Montessori School, Lucknow
Salil Shetty
Former Secretary-General of Amnesty International and former Director of the UN Millennium Campaign
Anirudh Singh
Head of the World Unity Education Department at City Montessori School, Lucknow
Teresa Ter-Minassian
Former Director of Fiscal Affairs Department of the International Monetary Fund
Tiziana Beghin
Member of the European Parliament
Maria Angela Danzì
Member of the European Parliament
Sabrina Pignedoli
Member of the European Parliament
Fabio Massimo Castaldo
Former Vice-President of the European Parliament and Member of the European Parliament
Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein
Professor of Law and Human Rights at the University of Pennsylvania, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and former Jordanian Ambassador to the United States
John Githongo
Former Permanent Secretary for Governance and Ethics of Kenya, Member of the International Council of Transparency International, and former Executive Director of Transparency International Kenya
Demas Kiprono
Acting Executive Director of the Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ Kenya)
Sungho Kang
Co-President of the History NGO Forum for Peace in East Asia
Geo-Sung Kim
Transparency International Board Member, former Senior Secretary to the President of the Republic of Korea, former Commissioner of the Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption, and former Chair of Transparency International Korea
Slagjana Taseva
First Chair of the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, former Chair of the UNCAC Coalition, and Chair of Transparency International Macedonia
Margarita Tsatsa Nikolovska
Former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, former Judge and Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and President of the Institute for Human Rights
Ahmedou Ould Abdallah
President of Centre 4s, former Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for West Africa, former Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Somalia, and former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mauritania
Matthew Caruana Galizia
Co-Founder of the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation
Andrew Caruana Galizia
Co-Founder of the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation
Paul Caruana Galizia
Co-Founder of the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation
María de los Ángeles Estrada
Executive Director of the Transparency and Anticorruption Initiative of the School of Government and Public Transformation at Tecnológico de Monterrey
Edna Ramirez
Professor of International Law at Universidad de Guadalajara, International Trade Expert, and Senior Consultant to the World Trade Organization
Cynthia Gabriel
Founding Director of the Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4, Malaysia) and former Vice Chair of the UNCAC Coalition
Muhammad Mohan Kittu Bin Abdullah
President of Transparency International Malaysia
Charles Adeogun-Phillips
Former Head of Special Investigations at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Partner at Charles Anthony (Lawyers) LLP in Lagos, and Barrister at Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers in London and The Hague
Chile Eboe-Osuji
Former Judge and President of the International Criminal Court; Distinguished International Jurist, Lincoln Alexander School of Law, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada; and Paul Martin Sr Professor, University of Windsor, Canada
Nuhu Ribabu
Founding Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) of Nigeria
Olanrewaju Suraju
Chairman of HEDA Resource Centre
Saskia Bruines
Alderman of The Hague for Economic Affairs, International Affairs and Municipal Services
Ben Knapen
Member of the Dutch Senate and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
Jan van Zanen
Mayor of The Hague and Co-President of United Cities and Local Governments
José Ugaz
Prosecutor, former Chair of Transparency International, and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Ricardo Luna
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation
Cheselden George Vida Carmona
Professor at Ateneo de Manila University School of Law and International Development Professional
Risa Hontiveros
Senator and Chair of the Philippine Senate Committee on Women, Children, Family Relations, and Gender Equality
Bernard Karganilla
Columnist at Malaya Business Insight
Antonio Gabriel La Viña
Executive Director of the Manila Observatory and former Undersecretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources of the Philippines
Francisco A. Magno
Director of the Jesse M. Robredo Institute of Governance and Professor of Political Science at De La Salle University
John Nery
Columnist at the Philippine Daily Inquirer and Chair of the Asian Center for Journalism at the Ateneo de Manila University
Tassaduq Hussain Jillani
Former Chief Justice of Pakistan and former Judge ad hoc at the International Court of Justice
Eneida Torres de Durand
Executive Director of Centro de Gobernanza Pública y Corporativa
Lorraine Ocampos
Former Senior Economist at the International Monetary Fund and former Research Director of the Central Bank of Paraguay
Camelia Bogdan
Former Judge on the Bucharest Court of Appeals
Vladimir Kara-Murza
Prisoner of Conscience, former Deputy Leader of the People’s Freedom Party, and Founding Chairman of the Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom
Garry Kasparov
Chair of the Human Rights Foundation, Chair of the Renew Democracy Initiative, and former World Chess Champion
Ivan Pavlov
Founder of the Team 29 and the Dept One
Grigory Vaypan
Independent Human Rights Lawyer and former Head of Litigation at the Institute of Law and Public Policy in Moscow
Hans Corell
Former Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and the Legal Counsel of the United Nations
Jens Orback
CEO of Sweden’s Global Challenges Foundation and former Minister for Democracy, Metropolitan Affairs, Integration, and Gender Equality of Sweden
Kishore Mabubhani
Founding Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, former President of the United Nations Security Council, and former Singaporean Ambassador to the United Nations
Francis Ben Kaifala
Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone
Maria Wilson
Justice of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago, a former trial lawyer at the International Criminal Court and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and former Assistant Director of Public Prosecution in Trinidad and Tobago
Gale Mohammed-Oxley
Educator and Theologian
Mohamed Chande Othman
Former Chief Justice of Tanzania
Iegor Soboliev
Former Chair of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine
Lucy Akello
Member of Parliament
John Berger
Senior Fellow at the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School
Landon Butler
Former Deputy Chief of Staff to President Jimmy Carter and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Drew Christiansen, S. J.
Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Human Development at Georgetown University and Senior Fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs
Wesley K. Clark
General (Retired), U.S. Army, and former Supreme Allied Commander Europe
James Cottrell, Jr.
Chair of Beacon NGO and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Geoffrey Cowan
Professor at University of Southern California, former Director of Voice of America, and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Jonathan Fanton
Former President of the MacArthur Foundation and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Mia Farrow
Actor, Humanitarian, and Human Rights Activist
Robert S. Gelbard
Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, former U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia and Bolivia, and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
T. Anthony Jones
Co-Founder of the Club de Madrid and Vice-President and Executive Director of Gorbachev Foundation of North America
Wendy W. Luers
Founder and President of the Foundation for a Civil Society
Katherine Marshall
Executive Director of the World Faiths Development Dialogue, Professor at Georgetown University, and former World Bank official
Matthew H. Murray
Adjunct Professor at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs and Harriman Institute, Adjunct Senior Research Scholar at the Columbia University Picker Center, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at the U.S. Department of Commerce
Mary R. Page
Former Director for Human Rights and International Justice at the MacArthur Foundation and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Deval Patrick
Former Governor of the State of Massachusetts, United States and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Evelyn Pesantez
International Development Professional
Thomas R. Pickering
Former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Member of the Global Leadership Foundation, and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Russia, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and Jordan
Robert I. Rotberg
Vice-Chair of Integrity Initiatives International, President Emeritus of the World Peace Foundation, and Founding Director of Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Intrastate Conflict
Leila Nadya Sadat
James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law and former Director of the Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute at the Washington University School of Law and Special Adviser on Crimes Against Humanity to the International Criminal Court Prosecutor
Theodore Sedgwick
Former U.S. Ambassador to Slovakia
Adele Simmons
President of the Global Philanthropy Partnership and former President of the MacArthur Foundation
Sheila Prell Sonenshine
Former Justice of the California Court of Appeal
Donald Steinberg
Former Deputy Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development and former U.S. Ambassador to Angola
Melanne Verveer
Executive Director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security and former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues
Dawn Vermilya
Co-Founder, Board Member and former Director of Daystar Academy in Beijing
Alexander S. Vindman
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired), U.S. Army, former Director for European Affairs at the National Security Council, and Pritzker Military Fellow at the Lawfare Institute
Frank G. Wisner
Former U.S. Under Secretary for Defense Policy, former U.S. Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs, and former U.S. Ambassador to India, the Philippines, Egypt, and Zambia
Mark L. Wolf
Chair of Integrity Initiatives International and U.S. District Judge
Kenneth Roth
Former Executive Director of Human Rights Watch
Chester Crocker
Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the State and Member of the Global Leadership Foundation
Tad Daley
Director of Policy Analysis at Citizens for Global Solutions and former advisor to U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich, the late U.S. Senator Harris Wofford, and the late U.S. Senator Alan Cranston
Larry Pressler
Former U.S. Senator from South Dakota
Raymond Baker
Founding President of Global Financial Integrity
Pedro M. Burelli
Political exile and former Member of the Executive Board of Petróleos de Venezuela
Moisés Naím
Distinguished Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, former Trade and Industry Minister of Venezuela, former Director of the Central Bank of Venezuela, and a former Executive Director of the World Bank
Alfredo Romero
President of the human rights NGO Foro Penal, Human Rights Lawyer, and Professor of Law at Universidad Central de Venezuela
Carlos Vargas
President of 1001 Ideas Para Mi País
Iraj Abedian
Founder and Chairman of Pan-African Capital Holdings, former Member of the Economic Advisory Committee of President Mbeki, and former Chief Economist of Standard Bank Group of South Africa
Seán Cleary
Executive Vice-Chair of the FutureWorld Foundation
Ian Farlam
Former Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa
Richard Goldstone
Former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, first Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Paul Hoffman
Co-Founder of Accountability Now and Integrity Initiatives International Board Member
Thabo C. Makgoba
Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town and Primate of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa
Dikgang Moseneke
Former Deputy Chief Justice of South Africa
Navi Pillay
Former Judge of the International Criminal Court and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Albie Sachs
Former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa
Karam Singh
Executive Director of Corruption Watch
Koogan Pillay
Advisory board member to the former Public Protector of South Africa Adv Thuli Madonsela; and former Project Manager for the National Anti-Corruption Strategy at the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Presidency of South Africa and the Special Investigations Unit of South Africa.
Mervyn Eldred King
Former Judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa; former Chair of the Eminent Persons Group of the United Nations on Governance and Oversight; Chair Emeritus of the Global Reporting Initiative and the International Integrated Reporting Council; Chair Emeritus of the King Reports on Corporate Governance; Chair of the Good Governance Academy
Sternford Moyo
President of the International Bar Association

Civil Society Organizations